Exploring Comprehensive Anglicanism.
Welcome to Anglican Identity, an opportunity to explore the ideas, context, and ethos of Christianity in the comprehensive Anglican tradition.
Whether you’re connected to a parish, an Anglican School, part of the Anglicare team, another Anglican workplace or an interested member of the public, this course touches on key concepts that give insights into just what comprehensive Anglican faith is all about.
There’s always more to know and discover, of course, but this course is a good place to start, operating from the premise that understanding ourselves, our faith communities and the spirit of our Anglican workplaces is a helpful thing!
Doing AI as a part of your Anglican orientation?
If you’re situated in an Anglican workplace, maybe you need to do the Anglican Identity course as a part of your orientation. If so, there are two options. People working with Anglicare can head to their own learning management system. The course will be there soon!
People associated with Anglican Schools can use the version of the course available just a click away on this very website. Great!
Created by the FormedFaith team at St Francis College.
Jonathan Sargeant and Fiona Hammond are experienced teachers, theologians and content creators, working as the FormEdFaith team at St Francis College, Brisbane. The Anglican Identity production has travelled far and wide, visiting parishes, schools and agencies, interviewing hundreds of participants to capture the essence of comprehensive Anglicanism across the diocese.

““There are so many ways to use these videos. I’ve already used them very successfully with adult confirmation candidates, and plan to use them to deepen the understanding of the regular flock of the complexities and magic of their Anglican heritage soon. Totally recommend!” “
— The Rev’d Andrew Cooper