What is the Anglican Identity course?

Anglican Identity is an 8 episode online course designed to help you explore comprehensive Anglicanism.Created by the Formedfaith team at St Francis College, this program features more than 3 hours of video content, an easy-to-use workbook and more.

 Useful for individuals, group use and workplace orientation, Anglican Identity features a huge cast from every corner of the diocese showcasing our diversity and love of Christ. Whether you use it for Lenten work, general study groups, solo personal growth, or even just dip in to find big answers about a big faith, Anglican Identity fits the bill.

 “This is guaranteed to get people talking,” said Director of Lay Education, Jonathan Sargeant. “From a conversational angle, it explores the church from every angle – history, mission, three-legged stools, chats with real people, schools, parishes, Anglicare and more!!”

How long does it take to do the course?

There are 8 episodes in Anglican Identity, but your path through them might vary! Some might choose to do all 8. Some might do 1-5 and then 7. Others might just dip in and do the episodes that interest them. It’s up to you!

While we’re at it, it’s worth mentioning that some might do the course in one day. Others might meet weekly. If your group time is short, you could watch the video before your session and just meet to do the activities.

As a general rule if you watch an episode video and do the workbook activities, that might take you up to 90 minutes with a group. Depending on your musing, solo travellers might complete each episode quicker.

Can I do the course on my own or do I need a group?

You can explore the Anglican Identity course on your own or with a group or both! The course is designed to be used in many ways. It can be nice to sit on your own and reflect on the course material in your own time. It can also be invigorating to hear the ideas of others as you progress through the materials. It’s your call! But if you're located in a parish and have tried the material solo, why not see if there’s an appetite for a group?

Is there a DVD of the course materials?

We don’t have the resources to provide DVDs at this point. If this proves a barrier to you engaging with the course, contact us and we’ll work out another way!

Got another question?

Head to the Contact Us page and send it through! We’ll answer you as soon as we possibly can!

Jonathan & Fiona