There are many ways to use the Anglican Identity course.

On Your Own

On Your Own.

Going solo? It makes sense to download the Workbook. There are reflection questions for each video and you can use these as an individual. Recording your thoughts can help you to go deeper, focussing your ideas and making a record of where you were at the time.

Travelling through the course as an individual means you can set your own pace, watching the videos as time permits.

Also there is the issue of your path through the material. Two ways stand out:

  1. You can work through the course, video by video, from start to finish.


  2. You can click on Exploring Themes and browse sections of the material that are related across episodes. There’s text under each video to point you to the appropriate accompanying pages in the Workbook

As a Group.

Working on the course in a group means making a few decisions. When will you meet? Where? How will you structure the sessions? Will you do the course in one go, or schedule a regular gathering?

If your time is short, you can agree to watch the video on your own before the group gathers. This is the ‘flipped classroom’ model. Or watch the video as a group, followed by the activities. Either way, the Workbook is crucial in order to take your thinking further beyond the content in the videos.

The group experience can be rich, as you listen to the perspectives of others and learn from the group’s experience. This is a microcosm of comprehensive Anglicanism!

For Workplace Orientation.

If you need to do the Anglican Identity course for your workplace, there are two options...

If you’re doing the course as a part of your work with Anglicare, it will be available on your own professional development learning management system very soon..

The Workbook and Transcripts can be found there too.

If you work with Anglican Schools, you can use the version located here on this very website! Enjoy!

There’s lots to learn!